October 13, 2005

"Who in his place uncovers the precipice under everyday prattle and forces entry into oppression's closed rooms"

Harold Pinter won the Nobel prize for literature.
Totally lacking in eloquence, my reponse is:
Holy shit, that's cool.

Posted by orion at 09:57 AM | TrackBack

October 11, 2005

You know what?

Fuck it.

Posted by orion at 08:25 PM | TrackBack

October 01, 2005

So at the fruit store we've got this new variety...

it comes in two sizes and two colors, and we've been mostly out of the larger size and the darker color. And the larger size in the darker color is what most people want. So it's made work kind of stressful. On top of that, the orchard won't tell us when they're sending us more. So we, in turn, can't tell the people. Oh, and some people who've tried the new variety have been complaining of rotten fruit. Fun all around.

Thankfully, today I had a very much needed day off. Mr. Smith and I went to resfest at the Egyptian after having breakfast at the seed. resfest is sort of like the magazine, usually interesting to look at, but lacking in what one could call substance. That said, Los Angeles Lets Be Friends by Three Legged Legs, Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games by Kangaroo Alliance, and Collision by Max Hattler were pretty good, and definitely worth spending a few minutes watching.

In other news, I am officially announcing my availability as a culture and trend researcher and forecaster. It's time to get out of the fruit stand.

Posted by orion at 08:48 PM | TrackBack