Did I tell you I got a job at a fruit store?
In any event, I got up late-ish, made myself a sumptuous breakfast involving beans, eggs, chicken pesto sausage, havarti and tomatoes, showered and was on my way to Burbank by noon. I poked around Ikea for an hour and a half looking for some cheap solution to the stacks of books and DVDs covering the living room. That, and a frame for my Rhode Montijo poster. I must have a face that looks made to work retail, because two people in Ikea stopped me to ask me where things were. They both apologized after I stared at them blankly for a few seconds. Sometimes it seems as though I'm watching my own life from far away, like it's being projected on the side of a building next to the standard and I'm sitting in a very comfortable chair, several drinks into the night. I picked up some brochures on modular furniture, resisted florescent light bulbs and two wall clocks (one for LA time and one for Lafayette time, of course), and struck out on the frame front.
I headed back down to The Happy, where Matthew and I saw the Aristocrats, which was good, but the best thing about it was the South Park bit, which I'd already seen floating around the net for months.
Then I started to drive down to Little Tokyo, to try and make up for missing the Tofu festival (and Ozomatli) Sunday, but decided to head over to the K-Town Galleria instead. It's been a while since I've been here, but I needed something to cheer me up, and rifling through Korean and Japanese food always does the trick. I got some katsuobushi furikake, udon, ramen, the largest thing of nori I've ever seen, and some Korean cakes and ice cream.
After stuffing myself on seaweed and ice cream, I'm thinking about calling my agent and redesigning this site, making it more of a propaganda space for my writing and projects.
Oh, the big news I promised in July will probably come sometime in September. We're having a few issues getting things finalized. I'll give you a hint though. It sounds like "squadfasting."