So, with no musical talent, and a billion CDs, after years of talking 'bout it 'bout it, I've decided I'm starting a band. This is something akin to Chris Berman deciding he's going to form an NFL franchise, be the coach, GM and QB.
I will be singing (and Chops knows exactly how scary this proposition is).
The band will be called...
(drum roll please)
(oh, that's right, I have no drummer)
I'm aiming for a sort of Elvis Costello meets the Clean meets the Pogues meets Mike Doughty meets Spoon meets Wilco's being there meets Clem Snide meets a big fuckin' grizzly bear who eats them all and then burps lyrics sounding like a less hard tom waits style.
So piss off.
Posted by orion at October 7, 2003 06:23 PM | TrackBack