September 08, 2003

tonight I feel like Elvis longing for his long lost twin

update, schmupdate:
Still homeless.
Still sleeping on my buddy Del's couch.
May need to move locales, as have been freeloading off the painful-wonder-pull-out love seat for almost three weeks (apart from those 8 days del was gone when I got to sleep and do other fun activities in his bed.).
Am thus moving to Matt and Katie's place.
Have turned in yet another application for a place in hipsterville, and am tentatively more hopeful than the last two.
Class is going well, but I feel like I'm failing to really spend enough time on things as I like to work late at night, and my hosts are usually asleep by then, and I am also in the middle of an exciting, confusing, consuming, captivating affair.
Yes, the spig is seeing a wonderful girl. No, the spig does not really know what exactly is going on with that, and the spig is fine with that because as it is the girl and the whole spending time with her thing makes him feel wonderful.
Am worried about pitching my movie idea (a somewhat intricate, character driven comedy-drama about an indie rock band) in five mintues in my class tonight.
Am really worried about the fact that I have a 70 page rough draft of a play due in one of my other classes on September 30th.
Am entranced by that sound on Your Favorite Music by Clem Snide that could be laughing or crying, but is definitely a girl.
Really, really want to unpack the back of my car.
Love you all, and special thanks to K, Del, Phil, Matt, Katie, Nick, Brian, Alex, Phil and Renata for making LA so cool.
Extra special thanks to K.

Posted by orion at September 8, 2003 05:32 PM | TrackBack