August 09, 2003

How It Feels to Be Something On

Just a short note before I go into work (I'll have more tomorrow probably, as I'm working 'til late.):

The party was great.
Bishop Allen was great, and really nice.
Thanks to petey and the undertoad (no time for links, but I'll remedy that situation later) for stopping by, sorry I didn't get to talk to you guys more, but I was being the flitty host at that point. And undertoad, thank you so much for the gifts! I'm using the little notepad to compose my next installment of last night's events at work!
Thanks to Sarah B. for knowing Bishop Allen, and just knowing very, very cool people. I totally heart all of your friends. They're good people.
Thanks to my friends, who are not good people, but in fact social degenerates, and that's precicsely why I love them all so much, and will miss them badly.
Lastly, thanks to the Empire for not having Bishop Allen, so they could play what will surely go down as one of my all time fav shows, all in MY FREAKIN' BACKYARD! YEAH!!!!!
And also thanks to Empire for not kicking me and my friends out later that night when we broke a table in half by dancing on it. And thanks for not cutting us off at that point too.
I feel fantastic. I love life. I really truly love the fact that I have bruises from said table demolition, and feel kinda like I got in a fight.

Damn, I love my life. I just hope LA is this much fun every once in a while.

More later, I heart you all, babys,
steve of the spig people

P.S. I really mean that. I do heart you. Especially that cute girl in the back. Hey there, cutie.

Posted by orion at August 9, 2003 12:01 PM | TrackBack