July 25, 2003

like burning

and, a little spicy thai food, some antibiotics from Mumbai, and twice the recommended dosage of Advil later, and my temp is back down to 97.4, pretty much normal for the spig (I usually run between 97.2 and 97.6. It's cause I have a heart of ice. Seriously. No emotion. That's why I'm such a bastard.).

And I feel better.
Now, do I chance my newfound wellness with drinking?
Will the boy wonder escape the cage in time?
Will Commissioner get to the SpigSignal in time?
Will the Spig get lucky with Barbara Gordon or Vicki Vale?

Tune in tomorrow to find out, same spiggy time, same spiggy channel.

Posted by orion at July 25, 2003 08:23 PM | TrackBack